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Manufacturing student working his a hazmat suite

A summary


To ensure young engineers have the skills to protect themselves and others.
To provide asbestos awareness for the many different sectors and trades where there is a safety risk.
To develop a qualification that would attract and carry weight with a wide variety of relevant employers.

Our solution

We visited AEC’s Hazard House, a purpose-built asbestos training facility, to fully understand the safety requirements.
A dedicated account manager and a team of specialist technical consultants helped AEC develop a course structure and approach to assessment that would work for young apprentices.
We provided quality assured end-point assessment to make sure participants have the skills to keep themselves and others safe.
With support from our specialist technical consultants AEC was able to create a half-day course that can cover a variety of sector and trade specific pathways and environments that apprentices, T Level students, and existing engineers might encounter.
The final qualification was jointly awarded by both organisations, giving AEC’s course the endorsement of an awarding and end-point assessment organisation trusted by employers across the UK’s engineering and manufacturing sector, and related industries.

The result

More on EAL Approved
Engineering teacher working with students in hazmat suits

Debbie Clare, Commercial Director, AEC

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